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LOVE LETTER: 2018 Light Up

Writer: Markia ButlerMarkia Butler

Updated: Sep 23, 2022

First let me say, YOU ARE the light of the world! You are a flame that cannot be hidden. Your light is needed on this earth, so continue to shine, baby shine!

Secondly, I will say as we sit and reflect on 2018 we see times where we prospered, we almost drowned, we flew, we barely crossed the river, and we achieved things we didn't even think we had it in us to do. We made it through, lost a few things this year, people (my Grandpa), pets (my Doggie), and we have healed or some of us are in the healing process, (I pray for total healing for you). When you put it all in God's hands you know He is intentional so you don't have to consider questioning why. Worry less, Pray more and let your petition be made known. He's a good Good Father and is on time God. Re-direct your focus on those around you and what you must do. You never know why you cross paths with others and you never know anyone's story unless you stalk them (do not stalk anyone thanks - management) or you sit down and become a listening ear (that's more like it).

Thirdly, you are here reading this lovely message that is here to set ablaze to your soul. You are needed, your time, your health, your mind, your joy, your beautiful spirit, your passion for others and your goals.

As you know when we accomplish something it's for others. Huh?! Yes! Think about your local hero's creating opportunities for others to be great, feeding those who are in need, or making sure someone is enjoying themselves while out. Joy and cheer are everywhere especially during this season. At times YOU ARE the joy and cheer and your responsibility is to just be. You never know who is watching you.

I want to remind you that you are ROYALTY no matter where you are on this earth. Esther was an orphan and her destiny was to be Queen in which she became. No matter where your journey begins, it can go in any direction.

Lastly, I ask you to love you and love those around you. Laugh a lot, know your worth, adjust accordingly, and fix your crown daily. Have an amazing day, a blessed Holiday and a prosperous New Year! Continue to be great and "Let Your Love be Real".

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