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April Blossom 2019

Writer: Markia ButlerMarkia Butler

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

Good Morning Bright Lights,

Let the Sun Shine In!

April - Happy Passover, Good Friday, Happy Easter, and Happy Resurrection Sunday; happy rainy days, happy cold days, happy extremely warm days, and happy pollen days.

Grow. So far in the month of April what have you conquered?

Has a lot happened in the month of April? Please share!

Planting in April allows you to change you and get you ready for the remainder of the year.

You know how people in friendships and relationships try to change people. Unfortunately but fortunately you must change you. You must look in the mirror if you don’t like how you are (the outside reflects the inside, so look within while in the mirror), start today to change it or things in life can happen to push you to change it. I’ll take purposeful self-control for 300 Alex Trebek rather than a series of things I can possibly avoid to force my transformation in my life. Things will happen of course but as you mature you will handle it better and have more peace.

There are unavoidable things in life and your grooming to become the individual/leader you are ultimately called to be is very important (parents are definitely leaders, someone looks up to you) . Show me a leader that hasn’t been through anything? I’ll wait!

I know that got deep real quick, lol, but the process of planting and blossoming is ever present. It is better to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses now, put a name to them rather than to continue life wondering what is going on and how did you get here; wherever here is for you (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically).

Side note: Every time I read a triumphant story the Victorious Individual or group of people always say they wrote down what they wanted to happen.

How is your journal life? How is your vision? Do you have a vision? How is your writing Game?

Did you learn something about yourself this month? The 4th month of the year, wow, we are zooming, every day, which is setting a pace for the remainder of this incredible 2019 year. I hope you are making a difference in lives around you and making a difference within you.

Your focus is everything right now and your love placement. What is it that needs to be accomplished and just sitting there on the inside of you? Who or what are you showing love to is taking the place of something else that can use it also? Don't stop showing love to the people or things that don't seem to reciprocate but be sure to spread your love (care) around. We got a whole lot of love, we are created to love, and we must use it all.

Life literally takes all you got but no worries you are jammed packed! We all the way equip and maybe you don't feel like it, but you got everything you need. I know you hear that and it’s like nope I need this and that but remember you have access to the source that will get you this and that.

I know this felt like a questionnaire but we must check-in, dig deep, follow-up, and challenge one another to produce. That is a part of being a friend. We are born to create and I would love to see all my friends at their fullest potential.

I have a brand "Let Your Love Be Real" and you can define that for yourself but it’s literally the agenda of sincere love on this earth. It is a see a need, fill a need mentality. There are shirts coming soon. Love all around us, all day, and every day.

I pray you are super well and awesome and richly joyful. You matter, you are important, you are cherished, and you are beloved. We are all learning lessons along the way some we learn and some we don’t lol but life is a gift so live it to the fullest. Pray for me as I pray for you and your family that read this April LOVE LETTER! Let us mature together and let our love be real. You are a force to be reckoned with.

You are Royalty.

- M aka Harmuny

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